

Get Started on the Open Source Cloud Platform

Get started with OpenStack. An open source cloud operating system managing compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter using APIs.

Get Started with an OpenStack Public Cloud

Start using an OpenStack powered public cloud. Get access to compute, storage and networking in minutes and only pay for what you use.

Install OpenStack yourself

A step-by-step guide to OpenStack installation. You only need your workstation to get started.

Integrated OpenStack

VMware Integrated OpenStack 是VMware 支援的OpenStack 散發版本,能讓IT 輕鬆部署和管理企業級OpenStack ... Web Client 搭配OVA 檔案,輕鬆部署VMware Integrated ...

Open Source Cloud Computing Platform Software

OpenStack is a an open source cloud operating system managing compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter using APIs.



OpenStack Training

Our Red Hat OpenStack Administration course is available via classroom, virtual classroom, self-paced online, or private team training. ... online training.


OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world.




2021年10月3日 — OpenStack 是採用集中式虛擬資源來建構及管理私有雲和公有雲的開放原始碼平台,而構成OpenStack 平台的各項工具則稱為「專案」,負責處理運算、網路、 ...